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General questions

To ensure that your healthcare professional only performs the medical procedures you agree to, even in an emergency and when you are unresponsive, we have placed the emergency information on your member ID card: both as a link and as a QR code. Medical professionals can scan the QR code on your member ID card directly, e.g. with a tablet, where they have immediate access to all your relevant medical data as well as your complete patient directive. Alternatively, they can also copy/enter the link into a browser and retrieve it there. The result is the same in both cases, and in both cases a random code is generated as an intermediate step, which makes it impossible for a hacker to view other SafeBlood members living wills. In our case, the purpose of all this is, among other things, to prevent mRNA products from entering your body without your explicit consent. And also, to ensure that your medical preferences are evident, visible and respected in all medical matters. In the living will, you set out all medical and legal details, but you also designate there, for example, a trusted person to represent your interests if you are unresponsive. An additional plus of our emergency information solution is that the living will called up by the QR-code can be translated by emergency medical personnel into most common world languages in a matter of seconds. This ensures that even when traveling to remote areas, you will be able to provide the attending staff with the ability to understand your medical wishes. We recommend that you carry the member ID card with the emergency code in a printed version with you, but also copy it into the emergency information on your smartphone. Instructions on how to do this can be found at the very bottom of the Member ID page in your Member Access. On the lock screen of your smartphone, one has access to your data even if it is protected by a code. Non-members can find a sample version of an emergency information here.

The living will is a binding document for your attending medical professional, in which you can clearly specify which medical treatments may/should be carried out on you in an emergency. You also specify a trusted person whom you authorize to make certain or all decisions for you in the event that you are unresponsive. To be valid, the living will must contain your personal details, be dated and signed. We recommend that you update the date regularly so that it is clear that the patient directive is up to date. However, it does not have to be notarized; your signature is sufficient. In our case, the digital signature is considered to be the fact that you can only write the living will in your password-protected member area, so it is guaranteed that it is written by you only. However, we recommend that you carry a printed and traditionally signed version of your living will with you (along with your Safeblood membership card) to avoid discussions. If the digital version is not accepted, you or your trusted person can state that a paper version with signature will be provided upon request.

You can create, edit and view the living will exclusively in your member area. However, emergency medical personnel can access it at any time via the QR code on your member ID card. This is also the actual main purpose of the living will. More information on emergency information can be found on this page.

The living will essentially has two parts:

The first part: the “Personal data disposing person” and “Medical data disposing person” come directly from the database and cannot be changed here, but only in your member area under “My data” and press “edit” there.

The second part: In the text field, the actual text of your living will is given as a sample. You can change whatever you want, you are completely free here. In any case, you must complete the points where there is a “…..”. Behind the “…..” is explained in each case what you have to insert there instead of the points (e.g. “first name + surname”). Then delete this oblique printed explanation text.
If you don’t have or don’t want a “trusted person”, delete everything related to it.
If your trusted person does not have the same blood group as you, you must change this here in the text or delete the entire passage.
The last “….” is for the signature in the printed version, which you sign by hand on paper after you have printed the living will. For the electronic version, it is recommended that you leave it as is.
Very important: When you have customized your living will, save it by pressing the red “Save changes” button – if you do not do this, everything will revert to the original sample text.

Non-members can find a sample version of a living will here.

You can view, edit, print, download your living will as a PDF file or forward it directly to your doctor via e-mail, for example.

Your combined member card/blood group card is located in your personal access (Members – Profile). There you can view it, print it or save/download it as an image (to your PC or smartphone) via the black “view” button. It contains your personal details and the most important medical data (incl. blood group information) that you provided when you registered. You cannot change the data on this member card directly there, it is automatically inserted by the system.

To change or add to the data on the front, log into your member area (Members – Profile) and click on the black “edit” button below “My Data”. There you can change all your data at any time. Do not forget to finish with “Save entry”.

You cannot change the text on the back of the member card, this is a short version of the living will sample version, which is valid for all members. You can access the full and individual version by clicking on the black button “edit patient decree” below the member card. This will take you to the edit screen for the living will, which you can adjust/change/add to according to your needs. See “Living Will” for instructions.

After you have edited the living will for the first time, you will see an additional black button “view living will“, from where you can view, print and forward it.

At the very bottom of the member ID page, you’ll find another link that takes you directly to your emergency information – it has the same function as the QR code on the member ID, and you can copy and paste it as you wish, for example, into the emergency information in your smartphone. More about this under “Emergency information“.

Non-members can find a sample version of a member ID card on this page.

PS: We have decided to offer the membership card as a download and digital version, to let you decide in which form you would like to use it. Some members will prefer a paper version (we recommend laminating it), others will prefer a plastic credit card-like version, and still others will prefer only the digital version on their smartphone at all.

You can print the membership card at home or in a copy store, where special printers for plastic cards are available, or via online service. Since our membership card has no expiration date (we don’t want you to be treated incorrectly in case of an emergency due to an expired membership card…) you only reprint it if it doesn’t look good anymore, you have lost it, or your data has changed.

Help for filling out the fields when becoming a member

Indicates whether your ID is verified. We ask you to upload an ID-document when you register (or afterwards if not done yet) to allow us to validate you as a human. Once this is done, your badge will be deleted and you will see either a ✅ (if validated) or a ❌ (not yet validated) after your last name.

How, where, when, what?

This can only be done via the just mentioned “register” page (https://safeblood.net/en/become-a-member/ – or with your country extension instead of “net”) on our website. Please fill in everything required there – we will guide you through the registration process, where you will, among other things, enter your personal data and be asked about your vaccination status. You also upload an ID there, because we need to be sure you are a real human being. We also ask you to pay a membership fee for two reasons: First, our organization has become very large and administratively complex; this costs money. And second, this is an extra step to make sure you are not “gaga members” or even “moles” (infiltrators) – only those members who are actually for and with us take on this extra expense and effort.

The recommended standard price for a membership is 50 EURO/CHF/USD (for Africa 20 USD) in the first year, 20 EURO/CHF/USD from the second year on. These are standard prices for people with normal income, but you determine the contribution according to your means. If you are not among the wealthy, you just transfer 10 or 20 Euros or whatever, if you can, you pay more. It is important that you get involved at all, because “action is reaction” – that’s why you become a member; because you know that without your commitment, your help, it won’t work. Just wait until the others have already done everything and then sit in the made nest is also possible, but maybe you are a pioneer rather than a follower 😉

Very important: please fill in the information we need. It is absolutely useless if you become a member but do not tell us your blood type or how and where you can be reached. You will be entered into a (completely anonymous) database where we and you can search for potential blood donors – if there is no information in there, the whole thing won’t work. However, if you don’t know your blood type right now, no problem, you can become a member now and add it later.

If you have difficulty with computers (please fill out your membership application on a PC or at least a tablet – it’s cumbersome on a cell phone), ask your kids to help you, if you don’t have any, send us an email or give us a call – we’ll help you then.

Since we want to be able to match donors and recipients, and do so worldwide, we need to store our members’ data online in a database. We are aware that this involves certain risks. We try to minimize these risks with a great effort to protect your data by using the latest protection technologies (such as in https://safeblood.us/en/ufaq/how-do-you-make-sure-that-someone-cant-access-all-the-living-wills-on-the-website/). We also regularly try to hack our own database and have never been successful, as we really try to stay one step ahead of potential attackers.

However, we are aware that any online database can be hacked, and this is one of the reasons, for example, why we delete your ID card as soon as it has been verified by our staff. This usually happens within two days. And yes, even if that database was offline, stored only on a hard drive – it could be stolen and also hacked.

For you, this simply means that you have to decide for yourself what is more important to you: the ability to find a blood donor when you really need one (and also to be found as a donor when another member needs you), or your utmost privacy by not giving out private information, to us or anyone else, and thereby not being found. There is no option in between.

However, we strongly believe that once you use a mobile phone, the Internet, email, or any type of digital information (including any data your hospital collected from you during your last inpatient visit), you are quite naive to believe that anything transmitted through any of these channels will remain private, no matter how strict your privacy settings are on any of these devices. Also, believing that Telegram channels would be more secure than WhatsApp or similar is most likely an illusion. On the contrary, it is obvious that as a member or user of the aforementioned organizations, you clearly belong to the more critical species, and either you don’t mind being identified as one of them, or you’d rather choose to go underground altogether and stay under the radar. And then, of course, to stop using any of the electronic devices mentioned at the beginning – including public transportation, hospitals, supermarkets (unless you only pay cash and make sure no surveillance camera was active when you passed the counter…).

My personal approach to this problem: I openly tell anyone interested that I refuse to participate in the worldwide genetic study called “mRNA vaccines” or similar, and they are welcome to add me to any database that lists this. And furthermore, that I publicly oppose any forced participation in similar studies. I simply live a life that allows me to stand up for what I believe are important personal values, and have no secrets – just as I teach my children and grandchildren to stand up for their values – because if we don’t, eventually there will be no values left to stand up for. And as for privacy and the confidentiality of any data: I am fully aware of the fact that this no longer exists as soon as I use one of the aforementioned electronic devices. Anything else would be an illusion.

But: not everyone has the privilege of being able to publicly stand up for their values at all times. And for those of you who are members of safeblood, we go the extra mile to protect your data and privacy as best we can.

The answer to this question can be found in “Imprint and Privacy Policy” in the footer of our website.


To ensure that your healthcare professional only performs the medical procedures you agree to, even in an emergency and when you are unresponsive, we have placed the emergency information on your member ID card: both as a link and as a QR code.

Medical professionals can scan the QR code on your member ID card directly, e.g. with a tablet, where they have immediate access to all your relevant medical data as well as your complete patient directive. Alternatively, they can also copy/enter the link into a browser and retrieve it there. The result is the same in both cases, and in both cases a random code is generated as an intermediate step, which makes it impossible for a hacker to view other SafeBlood members living wills. In our case, the purpose of all this is, among other things, to prevent mRNA products from entering your body without your explicit consent. And also, to ensure that your medical preferences are evident, visible and respected in all medical matters.

In the living will, you set out all medical and legal details, but you also designate there, for example, a trusted person to represent your interests if you are unresponsive.

An additional plus of our emergency information solution is that the living will called up by the QR-code can be translated by emergency medical personnel into most common world languages in a matter of seconds. This ensures that even when traveling to remote areas, you will be able to provide the attending staff with the ability to understand your medical wishes.

We recommend that you carry the member ID card with the emergency code in a printed version with you, but also copy it into the emergency information on your smartphone. Instructions on how to do this can be found at the very bottom of the Member ID page in your Member Access. On the lock screen of your smartphone, one has access to your data even if it is protected by a code.

Non-members can find a sample version of an emergency information here.

This can only be done via the just mentioned “register” page (https://safeblood.net/en/become-a-member/ – or with your country extension instead of “net”) on our website. Please fill in everything required there – we will guide you through the registration process, where you will, among other things, enter your personal data and be asked about your vaccination status. You also upload an ID there, because we need to be sure you are a real human being. We also ask you to pay a membership fee for two reasons: First, our organization has become very large and administratively complex; this costs money. And second, this is an extra step to make sure you are not “gaga members” or even “moles” (infiltrators) – only those members who are actually for and with us take on this extra expense and effort.

The recommended standard price for a membership is 50 EURO/CHF/USD (for Africa 20 USD) in the first year, 20 EURO/CHF/USD from the second year on. These are standard prices for people with normal income, but you determine the contribution according to your means. If you are not among the wealthy, you just transfer 10 or 20 Euros or whatever, if you can, you pay more. It is important that you get involved at all, because “action is reaction” – that’s why you become a member; because you know that without your commitment, your help, it won’t work. Just wait until the others have already done everything and then sit in the made nest is also possible, but maybe you are a pioneer rather than a follower 😉

Very important: please fill in the information we need. It is absolutely useless if you become a member but do not tell us your blood type or how and where you can be reached. You will be entered into a (completely anonymous) database where we and you can search for potential blood donors – if there is no information in there, the whole thing won’t work. However, if you don’t know your blood type right now, no problem, you can become a member now and add it later.

If you have difficulty with computers (please fill out your membership application on a PC or at least a tablet – it’s cumbersome on a cell phone), ask your kids to help you, if you don’t have any, send us an email or give us a call – we’ll help you then.

Since we want to be able to match donors and recipients, and do so worldwide, we need to store our members’ data online in a database. We are aware that this involves certain risks. We try to minimize these risks with a great effort to protect your data by using the latest protection technologies (such as in https://safeblood.us/en/ufaq/how-do-you-make-sure-that-someone-cant-access-all-the-living-wills-on-the-website/). We also regularly try to hack our own database and have never been successful, as we really try to stay one step ahead of potential attackers.

However, we are aware that any online database can be hacked, and this is one of the reasons, for example, why we delete your ID card as soon as it has been verified by our staff. This usually happens within two days. And yes, even if that database was offline, stored only on a hard drive – it could be stolen and also hacked.

For you, this simply means that you have to decide for yourself what is more important to you: the ability to find a blood donor when you really need one (and also to be found as a donor when another member needs you), or your utmost privacy by not giving out private information, to us or anyone else, and thereby not being found. There is no option in between.

However, we strongly believe that once you use a mobile phone, the Internet, email, or any type of digital information (including any data your hospital collected from you during your last inpatient visit), you are quite naive to believe that anything transmitted through any of these channels will remain private, no matter how strict your privacy settings are on any of these devices. Also, believing that Telegram channels would be more secure than WhatsApp or similar is most likely an illusion. On the contrary, it is obvious that as a member or user of the aforementioned organizations, you clearly belong to the more critical species, and either you don’t mind being identified as one of them, or you’d rather choose to go underground altogether and stay under the radar. And then, of course, to stop using any of the electronic devices mentioned at the beginning – including public transportation, hospitals, supermarkets (unless you only pay cash and make sure no surveillance camera was active when you passed the counter…).

My personal approach to this problem: I openly tell anyone interested that I refuse to participate in the worldwide genetic study called “mRNA vaccines” or similar, and they are welcome to add me to any database that lists this. And furthermore, that I publicly oppose any forced participation in similar studies. I simply live a life that allows me to stand up for what I believe are important personal values, and have no secrets – just as I teach my children and grandchildren to stand up for their values – because if we don’t, eventually there will be no values left to stand up for. And as for privacy and the confidentiality of any data: I am fully aware of the fact that this no longer exists as soon as I use one of the aforementioned electronic devices. Anything else would be an illusion.

But: not everyone has the privilege of being able to publicly stand up for their values at all times. And for those of you who are members of safeblood, we go the extra mile to protect your data and privacy as best we can.

Category: Membership

Of course, you can – we are happy to have a strong position in these countries as well, because this is the only way to achieve what we want, namely the free choice of blood anytime and anywhere.

If you can and want to help to build up the necessary infrastructure, please contact us.

The living will is a binding document for your attending medical professional, in which you can clearly specify which medical treatments may/should be carried out on you in an emergency. You also specify a trusted person whom you authorize to make certain or all decisions for you in the event that you are unresponsive. To be valid, the living will must contain your personal details, be dated and signed. We recommend that you update the date regularly so that it is clear that the patient directive is up to date. However, it does not have to be notarized; your signature is sufficient. In our case, the digital signature is considered to be the fact that you can only write the living will in your password-protected member area, so it is guaranteed that it is written by you only. However, we recommend that you carry a printed and traditionally signed version of your living will with you (along with your Safeblood membership card) to avoid discussions. If the digital version is not accepted, you or your trusted person can state that a paper version with signature will be provided upon request.

You can create, edit and view the living will exclusively in your member area. However, emergency medical personnel can access it at any time via the QR code on your member ID card. This is also the actual main purpose of the living will. More information on emergency information can be found on this page.

The living will essentially has two parts:

The first part: the “Personal data disposing person” and “Medical data disposing person” come directly from the database and cannot be changed here, but only in your member area under “My data” and press “edit” there.

The second part: In the text field, the actual text of your living will is given as a sample. You can change whatever you want, you are completely free here. In any case, you must complete the points where there is a “…..”. Behind the “…..” is explained in each case what you have to insert there instead of the points (e.g. “first name + surname”). Then delete this oblique printed explanation text.
If you don’t have or don’t want a “trusted person”, delete everything related to it.
If your trusted person does not have the same blood group as you, you must change this here in the text or delete the entire passage.
The last “….” is for the signature in the printed version, which you sign by hand on paper after you have printed the living will. For the electronic version, it is recommended that you leave it as is.
Very important: When you have customized your living will, save it by pressing the red “Save changes” button – if you do not do this, everything will revert to the original sample text.

Non-members can find a sample version of a living will here.

You can view, edit, print, download your living will as a PDF file or forward it directly to your doctor via e-mail, for example.

Your combined member card/blood group card is located in your personal access (Members – Profile). There you can view it, print it or save/download it as an image (to your PC or smartphone) via the black “view” button. It contains your personal details and the most important medical data (incl. blood group information) that you provided when you registered. You cannot change the data on this member card directly there, it is automatically inserted by the system.

To change or add to the data on the front, log into your member area (Members – Profile) and click on the black “edit” button below “My Data”. There you can change all your data at any time. Do not forget to finish with “Save entry”.

You cannot change the text on the back of the member card, this is a short version of the living will sample version, which is valid for all members. You can access the full and individual version by clicking on the black button “edit patient decree” below the member card. This will take you to the edit screen for the living will, which you can adjust/change/add to according to your needs. See “Living Will” for instructions.

After you have edited the living will for the first time, you will see an additional black button “view living will“, from where you can view, print and forward it.

At the very bottom of the member ID page, you’ll find another link that takes you directly to your emergency information – it has the same function as the QR code on the member ID, and you can copy and paste it as you wish, for example, into the emergency information in your smartphone. More about this under “Emergency information“.

Non-members can find a sample version of a member ID card on this page.

PS: We have decided to offer the membership card as a download and digital version, to let you decide in which form you would like to use it. Some members will prefer a paper version (we recommend laminating it), others will prefer a plastic credit card-like version, and still others will prefer only the digital version on their smartphone at all.

You can print the membership card at home or in a copy store, where special printers for plastic cards are available, or via online service. Since our membership card has no expiration date (we don’t want you to be treated incorrectly in case of an emergency due to an expired membership card…) you only reprint it if it doesn’t look good anymore, you have lost it, or your data has changed.

Category: Membership

Here you only change your access data (name, e-mail and URL) under “Profile” and your password, under “Password”, if desired.
If you want to delete your account, you can do it here as well. Please note that you will also delete all family members that you have created under this account.

Category: Membership

This button will take you to all of the following fields to be filled out to activate your membership (“My Data” – to edit, black button “edit”), as well as your membership card and living will (black button “view) . Please fill in as many fields as possible. If you don’t know what to write in a field, leave it blank and go to the next one.
Fields with a red asterisk * and coloured background are required: We need to know your name, age, blood type (though you can add this later), how to reach you, etc. – likewise, uploading your ID serves to verify your identity.

If we do not have your relevant information, your registration with us is useless.

Once you have filled in all the fields under “My data” (at least all mandatory fields) and saved them, you are immediately a member and can view and download/print your membership card. From there you can also view the living will, after you have first edited and saved it.

Category: Membership

Yes please – it is very important that your data with us is up to date in every respect. You can change any data in your member area at any time to ensure that you and we are always up to date.

Category: Membership

You can. Basically, every member – including children – is a full individual member with us, since we draw blood as individuals when needed. However, as the head of the family or family representative, you can first register yourself and then add other family members. The majority of our members register as a family – this probably has to do with the fact that people are more concerned about the quality of their blood when they have children. The cost is 50 CHF/EURO/USD per adult in the first year, children and teenagers up to 18 years (or as long as they are in education) are free. From the 2nd year then 20 CHF/ per adult. However, the same applies here: These are only guidelines. If you can, pay these amounts (or more if you want), but if that puts too much strain on your budget, pay whatever you can – there is no lower limit: the free choice of blood and thus your membership with us should not and must not depend on your financial possibilities, but must be a human right.

The answer to this question can be found in “Imprint and Privacy Policy” in the footer of our website.

Indicates whether your ID is verified. We ask you to upload an ID-document when you register (or afterwards if not done yet) to allow us to validate you as a human. Once this is done, your badge will be deleted and you will see either a ✅ (if validated) or a ❌ (not yet validated) after your last name.

Category: Membership

When you need blood, you want to be sure that this blood is actually what you expect: problem-free blood from a healthy unvaccinated person. One of the ways we ensure this is by having you answer all the relevant questions. However, there are only a few mandatory fields – if you don’t want to fill in any information (or don’t know what applies to you) just leave the relevant fields blank.

Category: Membership

You can assume that our association is a thorn in the eye of many and that we are therefore watched with a wary eye. Therefore, it is very important that our members are “real people” and not fictitious profiles. For this reason, we ask you to upload a valid ID so that we can see that we are actually dealing with a real person.

Please note that it is sufficient to upload the first page of your ID card.

Your badge will be deleted again after validation by our staff, and instead of the badge you will see “Your badge/ID has been validated and deleted” afterwards.

Category: Membership

You don’t want to let blood from vaccinated people into your body in a case of emergency. At the moment, you don’t even have this option, which means we have to fight for it. Nobody can do it alone. Since we have a long way to go, and may even have to change some laws, it is enormously important that we network and exert pressure together. The best way to do that is to have a strong position, and we can get that with you as a member. If we, as a small group of founders, try to stand up to Big Pharma, they will laugh themselves to death. But once we have 10,000, 100,000 or more members, the politicians and lobbyists can no longer avoid taking us seriously. In Switzerland there are still about two and a half million unvaccinated people, and this will not change much in the future. Almost every third Swiss has remained vaccine-free despite enormous pressure. If only 10% of these become members, we will have 250,000 members only in Switzerland, enough to achieve everything we have set out to do: The free choice of donor blood.